The Police Headquarters, Abuja, has announced the dismissal of three officers over extortion and illegal detention of innocent Nigerians. According to an online medium, Today, the dismissed officers, Inspector Okelue Nkemeonye, Sergeant Braimoh Sunday and Sergeant Yusuf Olukoga, were, until their dismissal attached to Area ‘N’ Command Ijede-Ikorodu under the Lagos state police command.
Their dismissal, according to the commissioner in charge of Public Complaint Rapid Response Unit (PCRRU), Abayomi Shogunle, followed series of complaints against them from innocent Nigerians. The complainants had alleged that the dismissed policemen were “Yahoo Yahoo boys” as they specialize in arresting, detaining and extorting huge amounts of money from suspects and innocent people before setting them free. Upon arresting their victims, the dismissed police officers were said to always taken them to the banks and made huge withdrawals from their victims’ bank accounts.
Upon receiving the complaints, Shogunle said the three were arrested and investigated and found to have been deeply involved in the act Shogunle also said an Orderly Room trial conducted at the Zone Two Command Headquarters, Onikan-Yaba, Lagos, found them guilty on a two count charges of offence against discipline as provided for in paragraphs C (ii) Corrupt Practices and E (iii) Discreditable Conduct of the First Schedule of Police Act and Regulations Cap. P19, law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.
During investigation, CP Sholunle said: “All the arrested officers, witnesses and recovered exhibits, including the N200,000 cash and printed bank statement of account, were handed over to the Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Zone 2 Lagos for further detailed investigation and necessary disciplinary measures.
“The approval of the punishment of dismissal from service as recommended by the Adjudicating officer is part of the outcome of the disciplinary measures. “In the case of ASP Bayo Obadiah who led the team of the infamous men on this unacceptable conduct, an official query was issued to him by the AIG Zone 2 Lagos, both his reply and query have been forwarded to the office of the Force Secretary, Force Headquarters, Abuja from where it would be sent to the Police Service Commission as required by Police Regulations.”
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